UNIABUJA 1st Semester Tentative TIMETABLE For The 2020/2021 Academic session


Uniabuja has set to resume for another session 2020/2021 session on the 14th June 2020

This is to inform all the students of the University of Abuja (UNIABUJA)that  just as the 2019/2020  academic session is coming to an end ,

The management of the institution has released the 1st semester, 2020/2021 academic session tentative timetable.

2019/2020 Academic session will he coming to an end 27th may 2021 ,


UNIABUJA 1st Semester Tentative TIMETABLE For The 2020/2021 Academic session

The University of Abuja (UNIABUJA) tentative timetable for the first semester, 2020/2021 academic session is out. See UNIABUJA  timetable below.

UofA TENTATIVE 1st Semester 2020-2021 Lecture Timetable



UNIABUJA 1st Semester Tentative TIMETABLE For The 2020/2021 Academic session



UNIABUJA Lecture Timetable

UofA TENTATIVE 1st Semester 2020-2021 Lecture Timetable

According to the timetable, UNIABUJA 1st semester will take place between Monday, 14th June 2021, and end on Friday September 10th 2020.

UNIABUJA ND In Paramedics Technology Admission 2021


Visit:Uniabuja.edu.ng for more enquiries.