160,617 UTME Candidates will Sit For 2021 JAMB Mock Exam

JAMB said a total of 160,617 candidates will participate in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) 2021 JAMB Mock which is scheduled to start on  3rd June. The examination will be conducted at 802 approved accredited computer centers (CBT) located in 104 designated examination towns across the country.

JAMB mock

The head of public affairs and protocol unit of JAMB, Fabian Benjamin, make this known to public on Monday. He advised all candidates who had registered for the exam and indicated interest in taking the 2021 JAMB Mock exam to print their mock examination slip

See Also:How To Print Out Jamb Mock Examination Slip

Meanwhile, a week after the deadline for the registration was extended, it turned out that only 200,000 more candidates, both UTME and direct entry candidates, were registered.

According to JAMB, a total of 124,519 candidates, who have indicated interest to register for the examination and had procured profile codes, are yet to obtain the required registration pins.

Mr Fabian also said, interested candidates should not wait until the last minute to register for the exam, saying the JAMB body would no longer consider adjusting its calendar.